Do you like your head massaged? Do you ever wish that your hairdresser would give more of a head massage during the shampoo because it feels oh-so-good?  Well this may be the ultimate treatment for you, and try the Sensational treatment for a little taste of bliss.

The aim of this traditional Ayuverdic head massage is to release the stress that has accumulated in the tissues, muscles and joints of the head, face, neck and shoulders. It is particularly good for reducing the harmful effects of stress and may also help those suffering from insomnia, TMJ, headaches, migraines and sinusitis.  This technique addresses the upper back, neck, scalp and face using a variety of massage pressures and techniques and is one of the most relaxing types of massages you will ever experience.  A typical treatment will last for forty minutes. 

Ideal for any neck or shoulder tension, the massage starts on the upper back working with a circulation boosting oil to further aid in tension relief, while using unique massage techniques and pressure points to help the muscles to relax. After thoroughly working the neck the massage flows up into the scalp, the oh-so-good techniques quickly melts away the stresses of life. Relaxing yet stimulating the entire head area is being massaged to encourage circulation, oxygen and nutrients to the area and often leaving a tingling sensation.  The head portion of this treatment is said to encourage strong, healthy hair growth and to calm the frayed mind. Finally, the treatment finishes with a wonderful soothing face and ear massage, which includes pressure points and draining techniques that may help headaches and sinus problems.


  • General Relaxation
  • Improved blood circulation increasing oxygen supply to the brain
  • Calms, revitalizes and uplifts the spirit and balanced state of being
  • Relaxes tense and sore muscles, increases joint mobility
  • Stimulates blood circulation and drains away accumulated toxins
  • Improved lymphatic drainage 
  • Can give your hair a healthy lustrous shine and improve skin condition. Promotion of hair growth
  • Encourages deeper breathing and deep relaxation; very enjoyable and triggers the release of "feel good" chemicals called endorphins creating an almost euphoric sensation of contentment and happiness.
  • Helps to dissipate anxiety, stress, and depression resulting in greater ability to stay focused and for mental clarity.  

This treatment can also help ease eye-strain, tension headaches, migraines, earaches, Tinnitus (ringing in the ear), jaw ache, sinusitis congestion, insomnia, and disturbed sleep.