Not like your Grandmother used to wear...
wearing compression stockings feels like a hug for your legs
Who Benefits From Medical Compression Socks?
People who have or are experiencing any of the following conditions can benefit from wearing gradient compression socks:
Tired, aching, fatigued legs
Swollen feet, ankles, and legs
Mild to moderate swelling
Stand or sit for long periods
Symptoms that could arise from standing or sitting all day include:
Swelling and stiffness
Poor circulation/restricted blood flow
Lower limb disorders
Joint damage
Varicose veins
Muscle fatigue
Increased chance of knee or hip arthritis
If you work in any of the following occupations, you could benefit from compression garments:
Stylists Chefs/Waitress
If you exercise frequently, are pregnant or fly on a regular basis, compression garments can help enhance your lifestyle by allowing you to move in comfort.
For the Athlete: Boost your performance
Compression has become popular in the sports world in the past few years. It started with some of the top triathletes wearing medical compression stockings during their events. Since then, all kinds of athletes from Olympic runners to weekend warriors have been wearing compression socks on a regular basis. Most studies show the recovery time from athletic activity is reduced by wearing compression after activity. Some studies show there may be performance benefits from wearing compression during your work out.
Wearing compression socks for 5 hours resulted in 28% reduction in muscle soreness.
93% of runners wearing traditional athletic socks suffered from sore muscles, only 14% of compression sock runners suffered from sore muscles. Activity as well and some say compression socks can help with shin splints and calf cramping as it reduces lactic acid buildup.
Compression stockings help reduce occupational leg swelling
The experience of legs swelling at the end of a working day is the result of gravity placing a strain on our veins trying to push the blood back into our hearts. Evening edema of the legs often occurs after sitting and standing for long periods of time throughout the day.
Calf-length compression stockings with a pressure range between 11 and 21 mmHg are able to reduce or totally prevent evening edema and may therefore be recommended for people with a profession connected with long periods of sitting or standing.
As a consequence, the protection of medical compression stockings is advisable not only to improve symptoms of heaviness and tiredness, but also to counteract potential clinical hazards of persistent edema and thrombotic events.
Frequent flyers:
Airline pilots and flight attendants wearing compression stockings for 4 weeks experienced relief from:
· Tightness
· Aching
· Stress
· Swelling
· Fatigue
· Discomfort
After a 5+ flight, fliers wearing compression stockings experienced
· 60% less pain
· 50% less discomfort
· 43% less swelling
· 12-18% improved energy, alertness, concentration and sleep
For the Pregnant Mother: Support the superficial Veins to prevent or decrease leg problems
Some of the common symptoms in pregnancy are:
varicose veins
leg cramps during the night
heaviness and tension in the legs
swelling of feet and/or legs
tingling sensation in the legs
We know that during pregnancy the normal blood volume increases by a total of about 20%, because both the uterus and the fetus have to be supplied. This is natural way the pregnant women’s respiration and her heart adjust to the circulation of the fetus with increased output at an early stage. However, as soon as the pregnant woman stands up, gravity takes over and this increased blood volume increases in the legs as well. Vessels become more dilated with the increased volume. The hormones that prevent the uterus from contracting before the birth time, also affect the blood vessels which become more “slack”. This means that while standing, the veins take up a much greater volume of blood. Circulation is then reduced.
With gradient compression stockings, the veins become less dilated, and more blood can be pushed back up to the heart. This means that varicose veins, swelling and discomfort can be prevented.
As your Mobile Compression Therapy Experts, let us come to your work place or home and banish those achy legs!
Will Insurance Cover my Compression Socks or Stockings?
Most insurance companies, through your Extended Health Benefits Coverage, will reimburse for medical compression sock and stocking expenses. A prescription must first be obtained from your doctor, in order to submit the cost of the medical compression therapy to your extended health benefits provider or you may deduct the cost on your income tax form.