B/S Bracing
B/S Bracing is the best ingrown toenail treatment on the market. Now, ingrown toenails are no longer seen as frightening. B/S Bracing heals and shapes ingrown toenails.
This contemporary system uses a flexible, almost invisible brace is placed across the surface of the toenails and acts like a spring by applying a gentle pulling from the side of the toenail.
It works like a Breathe Right Strip for the nail, and the results are amazing. The tension of the brace changes the shape of the abnormally curved nail back to its original, natural shape, eliminating pressure within the nail groove.
The brace can effectively relieve symptoms in as little as one day and can correct the problem over several months
For those who are experiencing their first ingrown toenail or who experience them occasionally, just one or two treatments will correct the curve of the toenail permanently. 100% guaranteed to work!
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What can be done after the brace is applied?
– Foot baths
– Salve dressings
– Disinfecting
– Lacquering the nail
How long does the tension of the B/S brace work?
The correcting forces work for about four weeks. After this time either the B/S-brace can be removed from the nail and a new one fixed or a second B/S-brace can be applied behind the first one.